Thursday 11 July 2013

The Myth, Truth, Theory and Bullshit.

The acceptable story is that Nelson Mandela liberated South Africa and brought us freedom, right? As a '94 born kid, i know waaaaaaay more about that, trust me. But the more unacceptable truth is, Nelson Mandela sold us out for ertenal wealth and as a result, we're nothing but commodities in a global market of political bigotry. I know that's a bitter pill to swallow, but what happened to looking at facts and not base much on opinions? And where is that taking us as a country? i think (yes, this is an opinion) the iconicism (if that's a word) that we put on Nelson Mandela is a spit in the face of those who paid the ultimate sacriface for us, as a country to be where we are, i'M NOT SAYING HATE THE GUY, i'm saying let's give credits where it's due, not where we feel obligated to comply. i don't think what's killing africa is AIDS, DRUGS or any of that. It is IGNORANCE towards facts and choosing not to know. so the next time they mention war heroes, go search for those that aren't on the list 'coz in more cases that one. those who get the spotlight did merely nothing.

PS: This is in remembrance of Steve Biko, Chris Hani, Joe Slovo, Mathew Goniwe, THE GUGULETHU 7 and all those other REAL combrades who never got to see the spoils of what they fought for.